Eliminate Last Minute Surprises

Realtime Visibility of Parallel SIMOPs

Faster Turnaround & Lowering Disruptions

Faster Turnarounds – Lesser Disruptions and Safer SIMOPs

How turnaround scheduling software PACE Works

  • PACE helps manage the entire facility / plant Shutdown and Turnaround (STA) process in an end-to-end fashion.
  • The various stakeholders involved, such as the maintenance teams, operations teams, safety teams and many more, are fully connected, from planning to execution thanks to turnaround planning software.
  • PACE facilitates communication, manages processes, acts as a documents repository, and can effortlessly interface with other tools.
How turnaround scheduling software PACE- XT Works​
outage management system software - functional digital workflow

Functional Digital Workflow

  • In shutdown projects, managing time is crucial, every minute can make a difference.
  • PACE gives users the flexibility to add, change, remove, rethink, reorganize and prioritize till the last minute, thanks to its digital capability of unifying and connecting information.
  • With the help of the outage management system software, processes are streamlined, and real-time information is transmitted among all the stakeholders to allow prompt decisions and actions.

Scope and Operational Efficiency 

  • Scenario-based planning of shutdown work packages with its intuitive, interactive interface which enables automatization in the planning of work scope precisely.
  • Real-time visibility into maintenance and operations work control areas highlighting leading and lagging indicators.
  • Integrate construction software PACE with in-house tools quickly, simply, and flexibly to identify bottlenecks and process inefficiencies.
turnaround scheduling software - enables automatization in the planning of work
Ready to transform your projects?