Reduce Incidents

Take Timely Actions

Build Sustainably

Building a Safer and Healthier Tomorrow, Today

features of construction safety software hse lite

Go beyond safety with new age technology

  • Proactive and holistic approach to ensure the health of the workers by using new-age technology
  • A collaborative architecture for management, worker, and third-party engagement on a single platform
  • Get real-time data views and automated notifications triggered by activities
construction health and safety management software hse lite
Risks are visualized in the GIS to provide real-time overview of the site safety

Get ahead of all hazards

  • Predict in real-time the risk of hazard and severity of every activity in the field
  • Automatically inform the relevant parties and ensure right precautions are taken
  • Risks are visualized in the GIS to provide real-time overview of the site safety

Manage incidents with ease  

  • Ability to record Information through IoT sensors for real-time data collection like practices followed at site, human behavior, etc
  • Digital solution for incident reporting and analysis to reduce incident reoccurrence
Manage incidents with ease
Ready to transform your projects?